Monday, March 13, 2017

Remember The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire On March 24 and 25

O Girls Girls! Teenage immigrants
Tell me where did you go in the fire?
(Tessie! Caterina! Antonietta! Somebody tell me)
I jumped to the street
Where my bones and concrete meet.
The sewer my blood runs through.
--Annie Lanzillotto

One-hundred-and-forty-six people, mostly all young working women, perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire on March 25, 1911. These deaths had meaning in their own right, but they also demonstrated the greed of the garment factory owners, the push for high production after a strike, and the need for a union in the gartment factories.

The tragedy has been repeated so many times over the intervening years in so many countries that we cannot keep count.

Remember Triangle and remember or think of the women and men who suffer and die every day so that we have clothes to wear, food to eat, cars to drive, schools to attend and homes to live in. Remember them and fight back!

Go here for some information on the fire and on a commemorative event to be held in New York City.

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