Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Communications Workers of America (CWA) Says: We Reject the Hatred and Bigotry of White Supremacists

It has been a tough but invigorating year for my union, CWA. Coming out of the elections, where our union first endorsed Sanders, CWA took on---is taking on---major players in the telecommunications industry, including AT&T. The union has also been leading public campaigns at The New York Times and National Public Radio. CWA has issued the following statement regarding the fascist-led riot in Charlottesville.  

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Members of the Communications Workers of America reject the vile actions and rhetoric of the white supremacists who paraded their hatred and bigotry this weekend in Charlottesville, Va. These evil actions, which President Trump couldn’t be bothered to condemn, instead offering a weak “violence on many sides” throwaway line, resulted in the tragic death of a young woman and injuries to many more.

Our government’s failure to condemn these evil people emboldens them, and sets us back in our determination to realize our goal of a nation where all people are respected, all have opportunity and all are full participants in our democracy.

CWA members are determined to bring about that nation, and we will continue to work with our allies to ensure that hatred, racism and bigotry have no place in our nation. We also commend the law enforcement officers who stood together to end this demonstration of hate.

Candice Johnson
(202) 434-1168

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