Saturday, April 15, 2017

Fight Trump With Socialism---Support Philly Socialists And Help Us Build A Socialist Movement Together

The following comes from Philly Socialists, a group which increasingly models what real socialist organizing can look like today. They need money. Please chip in to help out. Their model may translate into national organizing, and this is greatly needed here in Oregon. Many people here will identify with their values, and if these values are yours then please donate to Philly Socialists and join Oregon Socialist Renewal as well.

A statement from Philly Socialists says:

Hopeless. That's how many of us felt after the election. Then we collectively asked the question: what can we do?

As for Philly Socialists, we doubled down on our work. We doubled our membership, expanded our "Serve the People, Fight the Power" projects and kicked our protest organizing into high gear.

All with the end goal of dismantling a system that privileges profit over people and is built upon entrenched racism, sexism, homophobia, chauvinistic nationalism, and imperialism.

And now there is one more thing we all can do: make a contribution to the movement Philly Socialists is building.

With your help, we can take our work to the next level. We're talking national organizing, a physical office space, and more!

We have never needed a viable alternative on the left more and we have never needed your contribution more. 

The text below comes from Philly Socialists but has been edited.

A community-based socialist group

Philly Socialists was founded in 2011 by a handful of individuals who felt a pressing need to build a left alternative to fight for progressive, intersectional and working class values.

Our unique model focuses on community organizing, fighting the power and serving the people under an explicitly socialist banner, to build a social base committed to revolutionary change.

Where renters in our city wanted to fight greedy slumlords, we helped build a citywide Tenants Union. Where immigrants were prevented from seeking out educational opportunities, we organized free English classes. Where trash-filled, vacant lots stood, we met with our neighbors and built community gardens. None of this would have been possible without the generous financial support of our sympathizers in Philadelphia and beyond.
A moment of danger, and resistance

Since the Trump administration came to power in January, we've seen an escalation in attacks on our communities. At the same time, progressive and working class Americans are mobilizing as never before. We are protesting, we are resisting, but we are also looking for a way forward, a way to build a better society than what has come before us.

We believe Philly Socialists offers that way forward, and we have the track record to prove it!

What we've been able to accomplish with your help

Today, Philly Socialists is asking for your help once again. We have a series of ambitious initiatives, which we truly believe can help bring coherence, direction, and organization to our movement. But we need your support to make this happen.

With your support, here's what we plan to do next

We have big plans for 2017! Here's a taste of some of what we have in the works...

Opening a brick-and-mortar office in Philadelphia to house our growing operations: Our small group has more than doubled in size since last year, outpacing our ability to provide meeting space, printing, and other logistical support to our numerous new political initiatives.

Releasing a free, full-color monthly newspaper - The Philadelphia Partisan: This popular effort has been test-run for three issues. An incisive blend of theory, hyper-local reporting, poetry and art, hundreds of copies of The Partisan have been distributed in poor and working class neighborhoods. With your support, we aim to double the amount of copies we make available and distribute them throughout the city, as well as take on more ambitious journalistic and publishing endeavors such as investigative reporting into local corruption.

A national conference: In coordination with several other groups nationally, Philly Socialists is planning a nationwide conference to network with other ideologically-pluralist, project-based socialist groups, to be held over the weekend of August 4th-6th. The conference hopes to facilitate steps toward unifying the "base-building" trend within the socialist movement, which in turn will promote left unity across the socialist movement.

You can be a part of this movement

If we raise $5,000, we can fund publication of the Philadelphia Partisan for one year.
If we raise $10,000, we will be able to host a national conference of locally-based, ideologically pluralist, project-based socialist organizations.
If we raise $15,000, we will be able to host monthly RED Talks, bringing the sharpest speakers on the left to Philadelphia, and broadcast their talks over the internet.
If we raise $20,000, we will be able to open up an office to house our expanding operations.

Your generosity and belief in us are much appreciated. These perks are our way of saying "thanks, really!!"

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